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Sharing has its cost, but at the end leads everyone to a better knowledge

venerdì 18 gennaio 2019

SQL Server Script to move Database Files

Please consider that the below script uses the xp_cmdshell to issue  the files move commands to the underlying OS.

It isn't default enabled on SQL Server Instances.
Be sure to enable this feature before running the script.
You can do it issuing these commands:

EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1; 
-- To update the currently configured value for advanced options. 
-- To enable the feature. 
EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1; 
-- To update the currently configured value for this feature. 

This script accepts 2 parameters:
@Dbname - Data Base Name to move
@UseDFDir - Use the SQL Server Instance Defaults paths  0 = No, 1 = Yes

If you are not willing to use the  defaults be sure to set the correct paths in the script after the header:

declare @new_data_file_path nvarchar(300) = LOWER('f\SQLDati')
declare @new_log_file_path nvarchar(300) = LOWER('l:\SQLLogs')

You can check/set the default DB paths in the SQL Server properties

The script creates the  dbo.movedbfiles StorePorcedure you can use launch it like this:

exec dbo.movedbfiles 'logtest', 1

-------------------------  Script Start ------------------------------

create PROCEDURE dbo.MoveDBFiles @DBname varchar(300), @UseDFDir int = 0
set nocount on;
Title: Move Database Files
Created:  18-01-2019
By: Ruggiero Lauria

Steps: 1,change file location, 2, take db offline, 3, copy files, 4,take database back online

Input: Change the values for the following variables
@Dbname - Data Base Name to move
@UseDFDir - Use the SQL Server Instance Defaults paths  0 = No, 1 = Yes

Example: exec dbo.MoveDBFiles 'Db1' , 1

Ensure that paths are set correctly prior to running scripts
Ensure you have enabled the xp_cmdshell on your instance

The script is provided as it is and for free, use it at your own risk.
Feel free to modify and distribute it

Thanks to Christopher Provolt for the initial script template I have used to create mine:


/* Set your desired Directory if you ar not using the SQL Server Instance Defaults paths  @UseDFDir = 0 */
declare @new_data_file_path nvarchar(300) = LOWER('f\SQLDati')
declare @new_log_file_path nvarchar(300) = LOWER('l:\SQLLogs')

/* Temp Table to hold script messages */

declare @message table
msg_num int,
message_text nvarchar(300)

/*Check if the DB exists and is not a System Database */
if (select database_id from sys.databases where name= @dbname) < 5 or (select count(*) from sys.databases where name= @dbname) = 0

insert into @message values((select count(*) from @message) + 1, 'Please check you DB Name, consider this procedure does not process System Databases')

 insert into @message values((select count(*) from @message) + 1, 'Processing Database: ' + @DBname )

/* Load the Instance default paths settings */
if (@UseDFDir =1)
set @new_data_file_path = (select left(cast(serverproperty('InstanceDefaultDataPath') as varchar(100)), len(cast(serverproperty('InstanceDefaultDataPath') as nvarchar(100)) )   -1))
set @new_log_file_path = (select left(cast(serverproperty('InstanceDefaultLogPath') as varchar(100)), len(cast(serverproperty('InstanceDefaultLogPath') as nvarchar(100)) )   -1))

/* Dynamic table to hold information on database files and their locations
we will use this data to create the required move scripts

declare @info table
id int primary key identity,
database_id int,
dbname varchar (50),
virtual_file_name varchar(50),
type_desc varchar(10),
db_file_name varchar(50),
file_path varchar(300)

/* Dynamic table to hold all the scripting lines created.

Steps: 1,change file location, 2, take db offline, 3, copy files, 4,database online

declare @scripts table
step int,
scriptText varchar(300),
commtype char(4)

/* Dynamic table to store the changes that are to be made.
This data can be pasted into an email to inform customer of the changes

/* Variable Decleration Area */
declare @id int; --id is created on temp table to use in cursor for processing data
declare @old_file_location varchar(1000) --temporarily stores the old file location for comparisons
declare @tmpString varchar(1000) -- used to temporarily hold strings
declare @temp_dbname varchar(100) -- holds temp database name
declare @temp_virtual_file_name varchar(100) -- holds temp virtual file name
declare @temp_file_name varchar(100) -- holds temp file name
declare @temp_old_file_location varchar(1000) --holds old location of the file
declare @new_file_path varchar(1000) --holds new location of the file
declare @num int = 0 -- Internal row counter
declare @numrows int -- Total number of files to move for the specified DB
declare @command nvarchar(1000) -- used to temporarily hold command to launch
declare @commtype char(4) -- used to temporarily hold command type to launch

/* get required data and place into @info dynamic table */
insert into @info
select mf.database_id, as 'dbname', as 'virtual_file_name',
REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE(mf.physical_name), 0, CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(mf.physical_name)))) as 'db_file_name',
LOWER(SUBSTRING(mf.physical_name, 0, LEN(mf.physical_name) - CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(mf.physical_name)) + 1)) as 'file_path'
from sys.master_files mf
INNER JOIN sys.databases db ON mf.database_id = db.database_id
where mf.database_id IN
(Select database_id from sys.databases
where = @dbname)

/* Create the scripted commands for the files */

/* Count the number of files to move */
set @numrows = (select count(*) from @info )

/* Create a cursor on @info table  */
declare c cursor for select id from @info
open c
fetch next from c into @id

while @@fetch_Status=0 Begin

/* Assign required values into variables from @info db */
select @old_file_location = i.file_path,
@temp_virtual_file_name = i.virtual_file_name,
@new_file_path = case i.type_desc when 'ROWS' then @new_data_file_path  when 'LOG' then @new_log_file_path else '' end,
@temp_file_name = i.db_file_name,
@temp_dbname = i.dbname,
@temp_old_file_location = i.file_path
from @info i
where id = @id

/* check if we need to move the files */
if (@old_file_location <> @new_file_path and @new_file_path <>'')

 -- select @old_file_location,  @new_file_path
/* if we have to move files generate the scripts */

set @num = @num +1
select @num as num, @numrows as numrows
set @tmpString = 'ALTER DATABASE [' + @temp_dbname + '] MODIFY FILE (NAME=[' + @temp_virtual_file_name + '], FILENAME=''' + @new_file_path +'\' +   @temp_file_name+ ''')';
insert into @scripts values(@num, @tmpString, 'TSQL')
set @tmpString = 'MOVE /Y "' + @old_file_location + '\' + @temp_file_name + '" "' + @new_file_path  +'\' + @temp_file_name + '"'
    insert into @scripts values(@num+@numrows+1, @tmpString, 'CMD')

fetch next from c into @id

if @num > 0
  set @tmpString = 'ALTER DATABASE [' + @temp_dbname +'] SET OFFLINE WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE';
  insert into @scripts values(@numrows +1, @tmpString, 'TSQL')

  set @tmpString = 'ALTER DATABASE [' + @temp_dbname +'] SET ONLINE';
  insert into @scripts values(@numrows * 2 +2, @tmpString, 'TSQL')

/* Close and deallocate the cursor so we can use it again for dealing with log files */
close c
deallocate c

/* Display the scripts to run */
--select * from @scripts order by step

/* Executes the commands */

if @num > 0
declare c cursor for select scriptText , commtype  from @scripts order by step
open c
fetch next from c into @command, @commtype

while @@fetch_Status=0 Begin
  if @commtype = 'TSQL'
   insert into @message values((select count(*) from @message) + 1,  'Executing TSQL: ' + @command)
   EXECUTE sp_executesql  @Command;


       insert into @message values((select count(*) from @message) + 1,  'Executing XP Command: ' + @command)
   EXEC xp_cmdshell @Command;

fetch next from c into @command, @commtype

close c
deallocate c
insert into @message values((select count(*) from @message) + 1, 'DB Files are already in the desired Directories. Nothing to do!' )
select message_text  from @message order by msg_num

-------------------------  Script end ------------------------------